We Want You

Welcome to By the People For the People.

We are a group devoted to creating change and fighting for the planet, the people, and the greater good.

We are located in the Roaring Fork Valley with a mission of focusing our efforts locally while developing systems that can be scaled up to create larger scale change nationally and globally.

Unfortunately, society as a whole has chosen to put off systemic and societal problems while consuming and growing at exponential rates for so long that it has placed us in the event horizon of catastrophic climate change and economic collapse, all while dealing with centuries-old issues of systemic racism, neocolonialism, intolerance, inequity, and injustice that still urgently need to be addressed. These are issues that should have been acknowledged and attended to far more aggressively long ago.
Some things, like climate change, have already been set into motion. All we can do now is work to minimize the severity of that change on future generations. We can't undo what has been done, and it will take hard work to shift it in a better direction, but it is possible to greatly reduce that negative impact if we take it seriously and work hard. Other issues can still be fully repaired, but the longer we wait, the higher the cost.
We may not have chosen to be put into this cataclysmic moment in human and earth history, but it is up to us to decide how we will respond to it and what role we choose to play in it. Will we be the heroes written about in the history books of the future? Or will we be those who sat idly by complicit in the downward spiral of humanity?
If we want to be heroes, if we want to be true powerhouses of change and steer the world in a better direction, we are going to have to work hard, fight with everything we have, and give what we can to create change as quickly as possible to address these issues.

I have been wanting to put more time into this page and this site but we are also working to create a nonprofit organization to better help us more effectively work for change. We are also working on many other projects and have been spread too thin to do all the things we want. 
Right now the best place to stay on top of our thoughts and activities is our facebook group By The People For The People RFV

We hope to have a lot more content, as well as some more specific projects, and calls to action soon. 
If you are interested in helping us in any way we can use all we can get. Whether it's general volunteering or especially if you have any special skills. 
You can contact us through the contact form here or say hi on our facebook group.